Apps / Podcasts/ TedTALKS
Real Mates Talk Podcast – selectability
Have you ever wondered how the Real Mates Talk campaign came to be? The Real Mates Talk campaign was created by the men in the Whitsunday, Isaac and Macaky region – everything from the logo, to the message, to the name.
Take a listen to this podcast to hear more about Real Mates Talk and listen to RMT ambassador Rob Bounds share the fundamental message of the campaign.
You’ve got this mate – Men’s Mental Health
In Australia 50 per cent of all men will experience a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Three out of every four suicides are blokes, and if you are a man living in a regional area, your chances of experiencing a mental illness are 1.5 times greater than for men in the city. In this episode we discuss what men can do to look after themselves when they feel like they might coping and ways they can get help.
12 Best Wellness Podcasts for Men
From Inspiration podcasts, to sports to career advice, there is a podcast in this line up for everyone.
4 ways to manage financial stress & improve your finances
Money is one of the biggest stressors in people’s lives. For many people, talking about money is difficult. It’s a bit of a taboo subject, similar to mental health. Almost a third of people never talk about money – with anyone. The embarrassment or the fear of being judged is a major reason why people keep quiet. Through research and my own lived experiences, LIVIN will be sharing 4 ways to manage your financial stress and improve your finances. On an individual level it’s time to prioritize your financial wellbeing and take action to get your finances in shape. After all, prioritizing your financial wellbeing is a form of self-care isn’t it?
Caneron Daddo: On marriage, mental health & getting emotionally fit
Cameron Daddo was a teenager when he made his TV debut. And almost 30 years on he’s still one of Australia’s most well respected actors, having recently joined the cast of Home and Away.
Cam is a dad, a husband and a huge believer in men’s mental health and he discusses all of it in this podcast.
5 ways to strengthen social connections & build positive relationships
Whether you’re a social butterfly or someone who prefers one on one interactions, there is no denying that the quality of your personal relationships affect your mental, emotional and physical well being. Studies have found that healthy relationships can contribute to lower rates of anxiety and depression and a higher self-esteem. On the flipside, loneliness can have a negative impact on your health including disrupted sleep patterns, elevated blood pressure and a weakened immune system.
It’s so important that we cultivate and maintain a satisfying social life, one that is authentic, where you are free to be yourself and embrace other people for who they are. Not all strategies will work for everyone, so try some different approaches to see what works best for you.
The Art of Masculinity
Through a quickly evolving world we are living in today, most men were given at a young age to act, feel and conduct their lives in a certain way. I am here to help empower men to embrace both forms of energy: the Masculine and Feminine, so they can step out of their hard shells and create a life where there’s equal strength, toughness and still fluidity and softness.
Joel Thompson speaks on tackling mental health stigma in the NRL
Joel talks about the importance of having good people around you and establishing a support network to help you through the hard times. He shares from his experience in having to set boundaries with people who weren’t a good influence and how he started prioritising his mental health for the sake of his family and the pursuit of his career.
Real Men Feel Podcast
Real Men Feel was founded to encourage men to allow for and express all of their emotions. Men are reminded that they are human beings. Producer and host, Andy Grant is an author, speaker, transformation coach, healer, and suicide attempt survivor. This podcast covers an array of topics and themes applicable to men in the 21st century.
Joe Rogan Experience
The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video podcast hosted by American comedian and television host Joe Rogan. It was launched on December 24, 2009, by Rogan and comedian Brian Redban, who is also producer and co-host.
“The Joe Rogan Experience” is a long form, in-depth conversation with guests from the comedy world, the sports world, the science world and everything between.
Luke Shuey speaks on handling the wins & the losses in AFL
In this episode, Luke shares his approach to game preparation and how he has taken his new role as captain in his stride. Surrounded by supportive teammates, Luke shares how he is so fortunate to be part of a community of genuine friends who share their lives with each other.
With so much pressure on players to perform and cope under the public eye, it’s no wonder that many players end up struggling with mental health issues. Luke discusses the importance of making sure his teammates are coping well and providing a safe space for each other to speak up when they are struggling.
The Good Dad Project
This podcast focuses on Fatherhood. The Good Dad Project is a great option for the fathers out there who wants to not only bone up on his parenting skills, but also his own health and relationship with his kids’ mom. Being a good dad isn’t just about your interactions with your children, but also how healthy your life outside of them is — be it emotionally or physically.
Grapevine Group
Grapevine Group Association Inc is a locally founded grassroots volunteer group which raises funds and awareness for suicide prevention in the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday regions.
This app contains up-to-date local suicide prevention resources for the Mackay, Isaac and Whitsunday regions is available for download.
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WellMan App
The WellMan App is designed to improve the lives of boys and men globally using preventative physical, metal, social and wellbeing strategies, information and practical tips for life.
Click here for more information
TUF Minds
TUF Minds will help you help yourself and others. You can learn signs of suicide to look for, the questions to ask and the steps to take to help save a life. It also includes:
- Suicide Intervention and Positive Mindfulness Cognition Video Modules presented by Drs John and Elizabeth McIntosh
- Guided Mindfulness Audios about stress, anxiety, depression, relaxation and other topics
- Information channels for overall better health and wellbeing
Click here for more information
Mentemia App
Feeling tired or overwhelmed? Mentemia may have just the tips and support you need to help you tackle stressors in today’s modern world. Focusing on mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing, Mentemia covers a wide array of information and management strategies across happiness, stress, anxiety, relationships, sleep and energy.
Click here for more information
Daddy Up
Daddy Up is an app for expecting fathers. It is described as a man’s field guide to pregnancy with wise words from seasoned dads.
Click here for more information
Moodfit assists people in helping them to understand their moods, set daily goals and reminders to help you stay on track. Moodfit also offers a wide array of information on breathing exercises, information on medications and therepies and how sleep and exercise can affect your overall mood.
Click here for more information
MoodMission is an evidence-based app designed to empower you to overcome feelings of depression and anxiety by discovering new and better ways of coping.
Click here for more information
iBobbly is a social and emotional wellbeing self-help app for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians aged 15 years and over.
Click here for more information
Headgear is a free, easy-to-use smartphone app that guides you through a 30-day mental fitness challenge designed to build resilience and wellbeing and prevent things like depression and anxiety.
Click here for more information
Ted Talks
Why I’m done trying to be ‘man enough’
Justin Baldoni wants to start a dialogue with men about redefining masculinity — to figure out ways to be not just good men but good humans. In a warm, personal talk, he shares his effort to reconcile who he is with who the world tells him a man should be. And he has a challenge for men: “See if you can use the same qualities that you feel make you a man to go deeper,” Baldoni says. “Your strength, your bravery, your toughness: Are you brave enough to be vulnerable? Are you strong enough to be sensitive? Are you confident enough to listen to the women in your life?”
A call to men – Tony Porter
Tony Porter shares his powerful story, life and background and discusses issues and themes that affect many men.
There is no shame in taking care of your mental health
When stress got to be too much for TED Fellow Sangu Delle, he had to confront his own deep prejudice: that men shouldn’t take care of their mental health. In a personal talk, Delle shares how he learned to handle anxiety in a society that’s uncomfortable with emotions. As he says: “Being honest about how we feel doesn’t make us weak — it makes us human.”
How to start a conversation about suicide
Is there someone in your life dealing with anxiety, depression or thoughts of suicide — but is too ashamed to talk about it? Jeremy Forbes saw this happening around him, and now he’s on a mission to teach people how to start a conversation about it. In this deeply personal talk, Forbes shares his approach to helping a group of traditionally silent men in his community open up about their struggles. “We can all be life preservers,” he says.