Fly in Fly out Workers
Looking after your mental health as a fly-in, fly-out worker
FIFO workers, and their loved ones, can be especially susceptible to workplace stress.
Long working days and isolation from loved ones can be compounded by a feeling that there is nobody to talk to, especially if a person is finding things tough and needs support. A Government-funded study from Curtin University found that one in three FIFO workers experiences high levels of psychological distress.
Click here to read more about the impacts of Fly In Fly Out work and the importance of sourcing support.

Wednesday 19th of May, 6:00pm (AWST)
Virtual & Facebook Live
The purpose of this Webinar is to facilitate constructive and open discussion with peak mining industry professionals, mining union representatives, mental health professionals and those who have lived experience of mental heath struggles in the mining industry, to formulate recommendations of better mental health care for mining professionals to be shared with Government, in order to make a meaningful difference.
This Webinar will also be highlighting the incredible work that organisations are currently doing to support the mental health of mining professionals.
- Dale Henderson (CCO Pilbara Minerals)
- Peta Slocombe (Author, Psychologist, Speaker)
- David Bradbury (Company Chaplain – Fortescue Metals Group)
- Lachlan Samuel (Co-Founder Fifo Happiness, Founder FIFO Mental Health Summit)
- Darielle Asch (Host, Speaker, Life Coach)
You will also have an opportunity to write in with questions you have for the Key Note Speakers. If you have any questions in advance for the speaker, please feel free to mention them at the checkout.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us, P: 1300 643 287 and E:
This video discusses the mental health and challenges faced by Fly In Fly Out workers. This video does discuss suicide and mental health issues.
Mates In Mining
How Mates Works: The Mates Model
MATES is an integrated industry intervention program that:
• Raises awareness of suicide as a preventable problem
• Builds stronger and more resilient workers
• Connects workers to the best available help and support
• Partners with researchers to inform industry around best mental health practice
MATES field staff will train workers in the workplace to improve mental health and suicide prevention literacy, increase help seeking and help offering and engage the workforce in creating a mentally healthy workplace
Volunteer Connectors and ASIST workers will be trained to identify, support and connect workers to help and support
Field Officers will support these workplace volunteers to create on-site networks supporting each other and the worksite in preventing suicide and becoming mentally healthier.
MATES offer a support line and case management to workers who need help and support.
Finally, MATES partner with researchers to inform the industry to affect positive change. One example of this is theAustralian Building and Construction Industry Blueprint for Better Mental Health and Suicide Prevention which can be found here.
Rural and Remote Mental Health – Resource Minds
Resource Minds raises awareness and understanding, reduces stigma, helps people to recognise problems in themselves, family and workmates and encourages everyone to take responsibility for their own mental health by talking to someone and seeking help early.
Resource Minds offeres
- Mental Health for Leaders Training Workshop
- A suite of 13 Toolbox Talk Presentations
- Training and Ongoing Support
- An array of resources
You can learn more about Resource Minds by downloading the Resource Minds Program Brochure here
The mental health impacts of having a FIFO work partner
People take up FIFO employment for a variety of reasons. In many cases, it’s predominantly about the money. FIFO jobs pay well compared with the same urban-based jobs and with clever fiscal management, people can make a substantial dent in their household debt, notably mortgage and housing loan repayments.
Click here to keep reading about the impacts of having a FIFO work partner
Trademutt was founded by Dan and Ed following the suicide of a close friend. ‘Trademutt are an Australian Workwear brand that aims to make tradies and workers of all kinds look and feel great at work, and in doing so, reduce the rate of male suicide in Australia. Their loud and vibrant shirts act as a catalyst to starting the conversation around mental health in men, a topic that has been hard to approach in the past for blokes, mostly due to the attached stigmas and perceived weakness. However, seeing the emptiness in the eyes of a family who have lost a loved one to suicide make it blatantly obvious, that the courage that blokes pride themselves on, is the very thing required to address this silent killer. Trademutt believe that true happiness can never be appreciated until we have experienced what it feels like to be at the lowest of lows.
Trademutt encourage blokes to have real conversations by wearing their ‘loud shirts and accessories. For men needing some professional support Trademutt has founded ‘This Is A Conversation Starter’ also known TIACS.
Every part of the Trademutt process is purposeful. The logistic is arranged as a partnership through SendAble – an organiseation focused on increasing long term employment opportunities and skills for people with a disability. She Rescue Home sews the clothes and is an organisation which exists as a safe haven for girls and young women who have survived trafficking, prostitution and sexual exploitation or are at risk in Cambodia.
Finally Trademutt is proud to support the Work Restart program. Work Restart is an incredible Queensland not-for-profit social enterprise that aims to empower people with an experience of incarceration to restart their lives and positively contribute to the community.
Check out their program here and purchase some of their fantastic shirts and accessories.